Wireless Infrastructure Advisors


Go forward with confidence

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Owner representation

If a wireless carrier or third-party is offering wireless infrastructure for “free," plus a share of the revenue, you need to understand the critical terms and conditions of the lease agreement. Negotiating a lease agreement without a knowledgeable advisor at your side is a missed opportunity to obtain the most favorable lease terms and protect your long-term wireless interests.

Carrier/third-party funding of wireless infrastructure may seem like black magic at times, but that’s because the market is so dynamic.   With funding models changing overnight, there’s an abundance of “false-knowledge” in the marketplace, too often dispensed to serve a hidden agenda.  That’s why it’s critical to obtain the knowledge of an unbiased, “tuned-in” advisor to help you make the best decisions.

So, what can you expect from a typical owner’s rep engagement with Russ-Hobart?

  • Needs Assessment – We evaluate the needs of your tenants, visitors, guests, etc. to determine what communication services will enhance their experience at your property.

  • Feasibility - We determine which properties are likely candidates to receive “free” wireless infrastructure, whether it be neutral-host DAS, carrier outdoor small cells, or rooftop macro antenna sites.

  • Solicitation – We reach out to the wireless carriers and third-party owner-operators to receive proposals for wireless infrastructure deployments.

  • Technology Evaluation – We evaluate the proposed solution to make sure it serves your best interests.

  • Lease Negotiations*- We push the limits of the lease business terms to protect your long-term business and financial interests.  Moreover, we eliminate or mitigate the buried “gotchas” that are too often overlooked by property owners and their attorneys.

  • Optional: Ongoing Lease Management- We coordinating all matters related to lease, i.e.,  amendments, testing, upgrades, access, etc.


* Russ-Hobart is not a substitute for your legal counsel.  We aid your counsel, providing them with the industry knowledge they need to draft the ideal lease(s). Learn more…

Copyright Philips Lighting Technologies International

Copyright Philips Lighting Technologies International


Small Cell is the relatively new term used to describe modern-day cellular infrastructure needed to “densify” the wireless carrier’s networks. Previously, coverage and capacity issues were primarily addressed with macro cell sites and in-building DAS deployments, but now a “small cell” is a new tool increasingly deployed by the carriers. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to collect rent from the carriers by allowing them to deploy these inconspicuous devices on or around your buildings. Russ-Hobart can help you evaluate business terms of the lease agreement, maximize the rent, and ensure the deployment doesn't distract from the building aesthetics.

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Fire Code Compliance- Public safety distributed antenna systems (DAS) are referred to as emergency communications systems (ECS) by the NFPA and first responder radio coverage by the IFC. The primary purpose of the evolving codes is to ensure first-responders have adequate radio coverage when they enter a building. Deep, cavernous buildings and newer LEED certified buildings with Low-E glass are just a couple of the building types that will suffer from poor or no in-building coverage. With code adoption sweeping the country, if you’re not currently impacted, you will be soon. Engaging Russ-Hobart will ensure your public safety distributed antenna system (DAS) deployment meets or exceeds code.