Wireless Infrastructure Advisors


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Fee structure

Please don’t hesitate to call us. There’s never a charge for initial discussions, and we’ll dispense plenty of valuable, free advice. Beyond our initial engagement, we offer flexible fee structures and engagement levels to meet any budget and need, making it easy and affordable to obtain quality guidance.

Pay-for-performance- our nominal fee is determined up-front and structured to be paid by the lessee at the time the infrastructure lease is executed or start of construction.

Project based- after thoroughly understanding your goals and objectives, we’ll deliver a detailed fixed-price consulting proposal that includes a comprehensive scope of work (SOW).

Retainer- if you own or manage multiple properties with constant interaction with 3rd parties or wireless carriers, we’re standing by to respond to any wireless matters.

Hourly- Our services billed on an hourly basis for time spent working directly on your project.


➤ Mailing Address

PO Box 391
New Bern, NC 28563

☎ Contact

(224) 544-9926